Assignment Disasters

What I have come to learn while studying business is that the due dates of assignments in some papers are not confirmed at the start of semester. What this means is that you can be under the misguided belief that you have more time to complete work than you actually do. Last night I really felt like dropping one of my papers because I suddenly learnt that the second assignment was due 5 days before I thought. Turned out that rather than reducing the time available it actually extended it by 2 days argh. What makes this sort of thing hard is it makes asking for an extension sort of problematic since technically they just gave us all one. So now I have got an assignment due on the 10th of may, another due on the 15th of may two tests which are both due around the 20th of may and a third assignment due at around this same time.

I am already so far behind due to the school holidays and looking after two young grandsons who are simply mischief on steroids, cute but undoubtedly hard work. I am not prepared for any of these assignments and I suddenly have to pump them out in quick succession, and that includes doing all the prep work i.e. locating relevant resources. This is made harder by the fact that I have stipulations on the number and type of references I have to have. For one of these assignments I have to have a reference form the text book and at least 5 academic journal articles, normally that wouldn’t be so bad except that I have to locate five relevant ones and read through them to find bits that I can include in my assignment so they can be referenced.

What I have learnt so far (remembering this is my 1st year even though I am doing some 2nd year papers) is that studying business is not so hard as far as IQ is concerned, for the most part it is a lot of regurgitation. But, it can have a very demanding workload and schedule at times which can be a bit stressful. I think it really pays to hone your time management skills, something which now the grandkids are back at school I really have to do managing my every second down to precision from here on until I get all of these demands completed, with time to prepare for exams at the end of it all hopefully.

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